Art workshop
“The enigmatic woman portrait…” |
On May
20, 2017 a joint art-project “Art workshop” of the museum and the Department
of Fine Art of Kirovohrad Children School of Artstook place for the fifth time in
O.O.Osmerkin Art-Memorial Museumwithin the framework of art and cultural educational event
“A visit to the museum”, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of artist and pedagogue
O.O.Osmerkin to International Museum day. During the workshop pupils under the guidance of
the teachers reproduces a creative studio in the halls of the museum.
This year theme of “Art workshop”: “The enigmatic woman portrait…”
Is dedicated to the 125th anniversary of O.O.Osmerkin, that is why within the framework of
organization of art project in Kirovohrad Children School of Artswas shown a travelling
display of reproductions “Woman portrait in O.O.Osmerkin’s work” before April 24,
2017. The show was initiated by the head of the Fine Art Department of the school of arts,
a member of the National Union of artists of Ukraine Yu.B.Vintenko – an experienced
pedagogue and a talented painter, who responsibly prepared his pupils for the workshop in
the memorial museum. His interesting narration about O.O.Osmerkin’s life and work not
only helped pupils to learn more about peculiarities of artistic manner of the artist,
about his devotion to portrait genre, especially woman portrait, but also opened the
painter’s name in a new angle for the teaching stuff of the school and parents of young
So, pupils together with their teachers L.A.Yakovleva, Yu.O.Burhutina and
Yu.B.Vintenko creatively had been working for three hours in the memorial hall of the
museum during art workshop. They created their own interpretations of O.O.Osmerkin’s
works with watercolours and gouache.
O.O.Osmerkin’s paintings and graphic works, and also items from his studio
were used in order to realize the suggested by the museum theme of the art workshop. The
task was to create personal reflection of creative works of the professor of painting
O.O.Osmerkin and the suggested theme still life “Still life with O.O.Osmerkin’s
painting “Portrait of Katrusia” in the museum interior”.
It is pleasant to note that the graduates of the school also participated in
the event. Viktoriia Sliushchenko, Karyna Laktina and Dariia Kostiuk, who now are freshmen
of art and graphic department of Art Faculty of Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical
University named after V.V.Vynnychenko, worked with natural surroundings – painted
portrait of the museum worker, who sat for them.
The result of the museum workshop was an express-exhibition of drawings of
the participants of the art workshop, that was prepared at once together with deputy
principal of Kirovohrad Children’s School of ArtsZh.A.Lapina and Kropyvnytskyi painter,
member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine A.H.Shapovalov. |
while presenting the museum exhibition
of reproductions “Woman portrait in O.O.Osmerkin’s work”
in Kirovohrad Children’s School of Arts on April 24, 2017 |
the art workshop on topic “The enigmatic woman portrait…”
in the memorial hall of the museum on May 20, 2017 |
Deputy principal of
Kirovohrad Children’s School of Arts
Zh.A.Lapina, head of the Fine Art Department of the school
and the museum director V.V.Chernova while opening the exhibition
of the drawings of the participants of the art workshop |
The participants of
the art workshop
during the express-exhibition opening |
of the drawings by the participants
of the Art workshop on topic: “The enigmatic woman portrait…” |
on topic: “O.O.Osmerkin’s paintings replicas” |
Kuchuhura Illia
14 y.o.
Replica of O.O.Osmerkin’s
“In the cafe. Portrait
of K.T.Barkova” (1919)
Gouache on paper
30x42 |
Avanski Vadym
13 y.o.
Replica of O.O.Osmerkin’s
“Woman portrait” (1924)
Gouache on paper
49x42 |
Moroz Anastasia
15 y.o.
Replica of O.O.Osmerkin’s
“Green coat. Portrait
of N.H.Osmerkina” (1947)
Gouache on paper
52x42 |
on topic: “Still life with O.O.Osmerkin’s
painting “Portrait of Katrusia” in the museum interior” |
Lakhman Elyzaveta
16 y.o.
Gouache on paper
40x30 |
Moroz Anastasia
15 y.o.
Watercolours on paper
50x40 |
KuchuhuraI llia
14 y.o.
Watercolours on paper
50x40 |
Avanski Vadym
13 y.o.
Watercolours on paper
42x30 |
Yasinska Anastasia
13 y.o.
Gouache on paper
30x41 |
Shlapak Olha
13 y.o.
on paper
30x32 |
Kunytska Valeria
12 y.o.
on paper
42x30 |
Burhutina Yu.O.,
teacher of Kirovohrad
Children’s School of Arts.
on paper
57x39 |
Yakovleva L.A.,
teacher of Kirovohrad
Children’s School of Arts.
on paper
45x55 |
on topic: “Portrait of the sitter” |
student of Central Ukrainian
State Pedagogical University
named after V.V.Vynnychenko.
Watercolours on paper
50x40 |
Kostiuk Dariia,
student of Central Ukrainian
State Pedagogical University
named after V.V.Vynnychenko.
Watercolours on paper
42x30 |
Laktina Karyna,
student of Central Ukrainian
State Pedagogical University
named after V.V.Vynnychenko.
Watercolours on paper
50x40 |