A visit to the museum in the house of Yakiv Pauchenko

   On May 14, 2016 a traditional cultural and art event “A visit to the museum” within the framework of events of Kirovohrad town museums “My boundless Ukraine!” took place in O.O.Osmekin Art-Memorial Museum. The event was dedicated to International Museum Day (May 18) and XII International campaign “The night of the museums”.
   This year educational event was dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Elisavethgradarchitect Ya.Pauchenko. A theme exhibition “Gentle world, peaceful land…” from the series “Secrets of the museum collection”. Exposition of the exhibition was made up of the art works of well-known Kirovohradartists- laureates of Regional Award in the sphere of architecture, heraldry and veksilology and decorative and applied art named after YakivPauchenko 2004—2015 in nomination “decorative and applied art” – Merited Artist of Ukraine NeliaFirsova, Merited Artist of folk art of Ukraine OlexandraPrenko, members of the National Union of artists of UkraineMariiaTserna, YuriiHoncharenko, OlhaKolomiets, Mykola, Serhii and OlexandraFirsovth and member of the National Union of folk artists of Ukraine ValentynaDobrovolska. The works are brightly reflect talent of every artist and are gems of the museum collection of modern Ukrainian art works.
   One more interesting event was a lecture video presentation “Features of architectural and building practice in Elisabethrad in the end of XIX – beginning of XX centuries. During the lecture the visitors had an opportunity to learn a lot of interesting facts about the construction of the historic centre of our town. The leading researcher of the museum, a well-known art historian and Merited Artist of Ukraine A.Nadezhdin told about stylistic peculiarities of architecture of the steppe town and about the work of architects Ya.Pauchenko, O.Lyshnevskii, A.Dostoevskii and many others who created a unique architectural ensemble that became an appearance of the modern town.
   That day numerous visitors of the museum had an opportunity to view not only the memorial exposition and theme exhibitions of the museum, but also to observe creative process of young artists of “Art workshop”, which became the main event. “Art workshop” is a joint art project of the museum and the Fine Art Department of Kirovograd children’s school of art. The theme of this year workshop was “Mystery of things of Ya.Pauchenko’s house”. Young artists together with their teachers H.Yarova-Vintenko, L.Yakovleva and head of the Department - a well-knownKirovohrad artist, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine Yu.Vintenkohad been working in the memorial hall of the museum for nearly 4 hours. They worked on the reproduction of different items from the architect’s house, which are shown in the exposition. These antique memorial things were in an unusual role of “characters” of still life compositions. Pupils together with their teachers created modern art images using gouache and watercolours. They gave a new life to old items. The works were presented at the express-exhibition.
   On May 18, in International Museum Day the stuff of Kirovohrad music school named after H.Neuhaus presented a musical fest to the museum staff and all worshipers of the museum work. Works of the word-known composers of XVI-XX centuries were performed by the pupils of the last year studies and their teachers. They created a unique atmosphere of unity of music and fine art.

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Poster of the cultural and art event “A visit to the museum” Poster of Kirovohrad town museums “My boundless Ukraine!”

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Fragments of the exposition
of the exhibition
“Gentle world, peaceful land…”
During lecture video presentation
about architecture of Elisabethrad

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Visitors of the museum viewing the exhibitions

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Art workshop in the museum on the theme
“Mystery of things of Ya.Pauchenko’s house”

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Teachers L.Yakovleva, H.Yarova-Vintenko and Yu.Vintenko
working together with the pupils

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Presentation of the express-exhibition
of works by the participants of Art workshop

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Concert of the pupils and teachers of Kirovohrad
music school named after H.Neuhaus to International Museum Day

Drawings on the theme: “Mystery of things of Ya.Pauchenko’s house”

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Slushchenko Viktoria
1999 b.
Still life with an orris
on paperr
40õ30 cm
Kostuk Dariia
1999 b.
Still life with pistols
on paper
30õ40 cm
Laktina Karina
1999 b.
Still life with orrises
on paper
40õ30 cm
Moroz Anastasia
2002 b.
Still life with orrises
on paper
40õ30 cm
Lotytska Elizaveta
2003 b.

Still life with orrises
on paper
40õ30 cm

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Hof Serhii
2003 b.
Still life with orrises
on paper
40õ30 cm
Avanskii Vadym
2004 b.

Still life with an orris
on paper
40õ30 cm
Lutsenko Sofia
2006 b.

Still life with pistols
on paper
40õ30 cm
Yakovleva L.A.,

Still life with orrises
on paper
40õ30 cm
Yarova-Vintenko H.H.,

Still life with orrises
on paper
40õ30 cm