
Exhibition of book illustrations "Graphic Ballads"
by Kharkiv artist Mykola Lomakinñòà

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Lomakin Mykola Oleksandrovych was born in 1967 in Kirovograd. Finished Kirovograd children's art school. In 1996 graduated from Kharkiv Art-Industrial Institute, majored in graphic arts. Since 2001 has been working in the sphere of book illustration. 69 graphic works are presented at the current exhibition.

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Illustrations to "Ivanhoe" by W.Scott
Pencil on paper, computer completion
22õ36,5 cm
(Book. Ivanhoe. By W.Scott. Illustrations by N.Lomakin. - Kharkov: "Factor", 2007. - 112pg.: ill.)

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Illutrations to "The Talisman, or Richard the Lionheart in Palestina"
by W.Scott

Pencil on paper
16,5õ10,2 cm
(Book. The Talisman, or Richard the Lionheart in Palestina. By W.Scott. Illustrator N.Lomakin. - Kharkov: Book club "Club of family leisure", 2011. - 416 pg.: ill. Series "Gold library of adventures")
Illustrations to "Aroun the World in Eighty Days"
by J.Verne

Pencil on paper
16,5õ10,2 cm
(Book. Aroun the World in Eighty Days. Michel Strogoff. By J.Verne. Illustrator N.Lomakin. - Kharkov: Book club "Club of family leisure", 2011. - 416 pg.: ill. Series "Gold library of adventures")

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Illustrations to "Michel Strogoff"
by J.Verne

Pencil on paper
16,5õ10,2 cm
(Book. Aroun the World in Eighty Days. Michel Strogoff. By J.Verne. Illustrator N.Lomakin. - Kharkov: Book club "Club of family leisure", 2011. - 416 pg.: ill. Series "Gold library of adventures")
Illustrations to "Robinson Crusoe"
by D.Defoe

Pencil on paper
16,5õ10,2 cm
(Book. Robinson Crusoe. By D.Defoe. Illustrator N.Lomakin. - Kharkov: : Book club "Club of family leisure", 2011. - 416 pg.: ill. Series "Gold library of adventures")
Illustrations to "The Red Rover"
by F.Cooper

Pencil on paper
16,5õ10,2 cm
(Book. The Red Rover. By F.Cooper. Illustrator N.Lomakin. - Kharkov: : Book club "Club of family leisure", 2011. - 416 pg.: ill. Series "Gold library of adventures")

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Illustrations to "Kholstomer"
by L.Tolstoy

Pencil on paper
16,5õ10,2 cm
(Book. Family happiness. The Kreutzer Sonata. By L.Tolstoy. Illustrator N.Lomakin. - Kharkov: : Book club "Club of family leisure", 2011. - 384 pg.: ill.)
Illustrations to "The Kreutzer Sonata"
by L.Tolstoy

Pencil on paper
16,5õ10,2 cm
(Book. Family happiness. The Kreutzer Sonata. By L.Tolstoy. Illustrator N.Lomakin. - Kharkov: : Book club "Club of family leisure", 2011. - 384 pg.: ill.)
Illustrations to "Foud"
by Ya.Yarish

Pencil on paper
16,5õ10,2 cm
(Book. Foud. By Ya.Yarish. Illustrator N.Lomakin. - Kharkov: : Book club "Club of family leisure", 2012. - 320pg.)

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Illustration to "Ivanhoe"
by W.Scott

Author's project
acrylic on paper
33õ22,5 cm
Illustration to "Ivanhoe"
by W.Scott

Author's project
acrylic on paper
33õ22,5 cm
Illustration to a fairy-tale
"The Flying Ship"

acrylic on paper
31õ22,5 cm
Illustration to a fairy-tale
"Ivan muzhik's son"

acrylic on paper
30,5õ22 cm