
Exhibition of children’s works “We love Ukraine!”
to Day of Dignity and Freedom

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Poster of the exhibition

More than 30 works made in different techniques by pupils aged 11-15 years are exhibited in the museum. Paintings on motifs of folk tales, legends and stories of contemporary life impress by openness of the colour, impetuous imagination, sincere desire to experience the surrounding world. Works of decorative and applied art such as embroideries, batik, vytynanka, collages and appliques brightly realize diversity of Ukrainian national tradition.

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Fragments of the exhibition

Works by pupils of Kirovohrad children’s art school
named after O.O.Osmerkin
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²Ivanets Alina, 14 y.
Decorative panel.
Ukrainian muse

Sewing, applique
40õ60 cm
Ivanova H.)
Ishchenko Yulia, 14 y..
Still life
Paper, collage
60õ40 cm
Kyrianova M.)
Bublyk Ehor, 14 y.
Paper, pencil
60õ40 cm
Smychek I.)
Tkachenko Anna, 14 y.
Portrait of M.Zankovetska
Paper, pencil
60õ40 cm
Smychek I.)

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Pavlova Tetiana, 15 y.
Venetian night
Paper, gouache
60õ40 cm
Hnoeva S.)
Lysytsa Hanna, 14 y.
Merry town
Paper, watercolours
40õ60 cm
Lozynskyi O.))
Bura Anna, 15 y.
My town
Paper, gouache
60õ40 cm
Bondar T.)
Pervaia Tetiana, 15 y.
Portrait of a friend
Paper, gouache
60õ40 cm
Bondar T.)

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Shevchenko Svitlana, 14 y.
Paper, gouache
60õ40 cm
Kyrianova M.)
Vinnychenko Valeria, 15 y.
Paper, gouache
40õ60 cm
Ivanova H.)
Protas Anatolii, 15 y.
Paper, gel pen
40õ60 cm
Plitina A.)
Balyk Yana, 15 y.
Suburbs of an old town
Paper, gel pen
40õ60 cm
Plitin V.)

Works by pupils of the Fine Art Departmen
of Kirovohrad children’s school of arts
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Collective work of pupils
of 6-7 forms
Ukraine – my motherland
Paper, gouache, applique
Yarova-Vintenko H.,
Yakovleva L.)
Kozlovska Yana, 13 y.
“Nese Halia vodu”
(“Halya is carrying water”)

40õ30 cm
Yarova-Vintenko H.)
Laktina Karyna,16 y.
“Zahrai meni, dudnyku, na dudu…”
(“Play to me, piper, on pipe…”)

Paper, gouache
60õ40 cm
Yarova-Vintenko H.)
Lysenko Anastasia, 16 y.
“I nema tomy pochynu, I krayu nemae…”
(“And there is no beginning to this and no end…”)

Paper, natural material
60õ40 cm
Yarova-Vintenko H.)

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Yasinska Anastasia, 11 y.
“Spivaut, iduchyivchata”
(“Girls are singing while walking”)

Paper, gouache
60õ40 cm
Yarova-Vintenko H.)
Kunytska Valeria, 10 y.
In Spring
37õ33 cm
Yarova-Vintenko H.)
Kostuk Daria, 16 y.
“Ne plach, ne plach, Marusenko”
(“Don’t cry, don’t cry, Marusenko”)
Paper, natural material
60õ40 cm
Yarova-Vintenko H.)
Lotytska Elyzaveta, 12 y.
60õ40 cm
Yarova-Vintenko H.)

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Slushchenko Viktoria, 16 y.
Paper, gouache
60õ40 cm
Yarova-Vintenko H.)
Moroz Anastasia, 12 y.
Indian Summer
38õ32 cm
Yarova-Vintenko H.)
Lysenko Anastasia, 16 y.
Little Ballerina
Paper, gouache
60õ40 cm
Vintenko Yu.)
Hof Serhii, 13 y.
Near the theatre
Paper, vytynanka
60õ40 cm
Yarova-Vintenko H.)

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Avanskii Vadym, 12 y.
Based on the play
by Karpenko-Kary "Master".

Paper, gouache, vytynanka
60õ40 cm
Yarova-Vintenko H.)
Moroz Anastasia, 12 y.
Paper, vytynanka
60õ40 cm
Yarova-Vintenko H.)
Kostuk Daria, 16 y.
Still life with

Paper, watercolours
60õ40 cm
Yarova-Vintenko H.)
Bilichenko Mark, 11y.
Paper, gouache
40õ60 cm
Yarova-Vintenko H.)

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Shlapak Olha,11 y.
On Christmas
Paper, vytynanka
40õ60 cm
Yarova-Vintenko H.)
Bilichenko Mark, 11 y.
Paper, gouache
40õ60 cm
Yarova-Vintenko H.)