“Velour Cat” named after Andrii Lipatov

Lebedeva Larisa, Lebedev Yury

    Lebedeva Larisa (born 1947) Kropyvnytskyi. Graduated from the Kirovohrad Institute of Agricultural Engineering, now the Central Ukrainian National Technical University (1970). Lebedev Yury (born 1947) Kropyvnytskyi. Member of the National Union of Photographic Artists of Ukraine. Graduated from the Kirovohrad Institute of Agricultural Engineering, now the Central Ukrainian National Technical University (1970).

    "We are engineers by profession, both worked as teachers at a technical university for many years. As a couple, we have been traveling together for more than fifty years from the Carpathians to Kamchatka and from the Pamirs to the Polar Urals, as well as the countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Cameras are always our companions, with which we try to reproduce in digital format the main thing in an artistic photo - thought, feeling, mood. We are supporters of conceptual art. As part of the "Words and Images" project, we combine our photos with famous lines from literary works, while words and images reinforce each other, awakening reflections on life."

Diploma Diploma Èíñòàëëÿöèÿ «Íàø ìèð - òåàòð, êîòû â íåì àêòåðû»
The composition includes:
1. Volodymyr Makeev's painting "Restless"
Cardboard, oil
38x57 cm
 Makeev classifies his works as "colorful philosophical graphics".
We once bought two works from him, then a street artist in Yalta.
Today, he is a well-known master who sells
works through Christie's and SOTBIS auctions.
 2. "Cats" toys
from the collection of Larisa Lebedeva from different countries
of the world in various techniques in the manner of primitivism or tangential to it