“Velour Cat” named after Andrii Lipatov

Shulakova Halyna

    Shulakova Halyna (born in 1954) Kyiv. She graduated from Oleksandriya cultural and educational school, now Oleksandriya Vocational College of Culture and Arts, Director of the National Theater (1977).

Diploma Series "War": Prayer. Deceleration.
I dreamed of the country of my childhood.
Learn to wait. Sirens Months of war

Paper, colored pencils
15,5õ11; 14,5õ10; 12,5õ9; 10,5õ14,5 cm

Series of postcards "To the Day of Independence":
Everything will be Ukraine!
The sun is low, the evening is near.
My land

Paper, colored pencils
8,5õ11; 7õ10 cm

Series of children's postcards
Paper, colored pencils
10,5õ14,5; 6õ10,5; 8,5õ10,5 cm